Denver protests mass deportations
Photos by Yvens Alex Saintil
Denver VOICE contributor Yvens Alex Saintil covered the rally organized by the Denver branch of the Party for Socialism and Liberation (PSL), held on February 8 at the Colorado State Capitol. About 2000 participants showed up to protest the Trump administration’s plans to conduct mass ICE raids and deportations of immigrants.
“I’ve been a United States citizen since I was 14, but I will always identify as an immigrant. Whether documented or undocumented, we are all human beings deserving of dignity and respectful treatment, not to be dehumanized like animals. I’ve watched my parents and other relatives and friends struggle from poverty and working multiple jobs to achieving a dream many will spend their entire lives never achieving—owning a home. They make this country great! From little Haiti, Little Cuba, Little Italy, Little Kabul, and Chinatown, it’s time we acknowledged the fundamental truth that Immigrants built this country—our country!”
- Yvens Alex Saintil