Editor's Note
Sarah Ford
Managing Editor
When I open the trunk of my car, years of my history with the Denver VOICE stare back at me. I started collecting issues of the VOICE when I first found the paper in the summer of 2012, and by now I have amassed dozens of issues. In their yellowed pages I remember my own story—the years I spent as a volunteer writer, as an intern, as a contributor and copy editor.
But it is not just my story that reflects back at me. I can see the fingerprints of hundreds of others on those worn pages: former staff, vendors, those with a story to tell and those who cared enough to listen.
This month, we check in with vendor Willie Smith in our vendor success update (page 3). Willie’s powerful story of how his life has changed since starting with the VOICE, finding a job and hopefully soon a permanent place to sleep, reminds me that the VOICE has always been about building community.
Things about the VOICE will change again during my tenure. I have lots of directions for the VOICE I am excited to explore, and am so thankful to the board for giving me this opportunity. I am also thankful to the former Managing Editor Sarah Harvey for her years of guidance and dedication. I hope I can rise to the high bar she has set.
But however things change in the next several years, I know that one truth will remain: the VOICE is uniquely my story, and it is uniquely your story, because at heart it is Denver’s story. ■
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