Writing Through Hard Times

The Hard Times Writing Workshop is a collaboration between Denver Public Library and Lighthouse Writers Workshop. The workshop is open to all members of the public—especially those experiencing homelessness. Each month, the Denver VOICE will publish a selection of the voices of Hard Times.

Hard Times meets every Tuesday afternoon from 3:00-5:00 in the book club room of DPL’s Central branch. To check out more writing by Hard Times participants, go to writedenver.org.

Sheryl Luna


The A & D Motel on West Colfax.

Mental Health Center Voucher.

Torn up Carpet.

Small fridge.

So grateful— tears, smiles.

Despite the old woman 

running the place,

telling the maintenance man,

implying I broke the toilet—

“She’s mental,” she says

finger pointed towards

her small head, yet I am joyous.

I laugh. First time I’ve caught

luck, compassion. The warm 

spring’s wildflowers peek 

from rocks along the cracked 

white walls of the place. 

I am freedom, a new belief 

in karma. Transitional housing 

coming my way. The turn

in my life broad.

Quests for friends new.

I am opening to sky and light.

A steady check soon.

Rhythm without strain,

a windblown face

eager to risk

shame. The world needs

stories, the world needs

breath and starlight.

We are all headed 

home after all. ■

Michael Sindler


He gave away his groceries 

That should have lasted him a week

Offered in hope they would please

He gave away his groceries

Impulsive generosity

Of it he never more would speak

He gave away his groceries 

That should have lasted him a week ■

Benjamin Eric Nelson

Ground Into Dust

Sick sensation in my gut... 

hungry and scared... 

Just a few weeks... 

I can hang... 

I smell awful... 

How do they do it? 

I have family that loves me... 

but I'd rather be dead... 

No... I'm still alive... 

Commitment to time... 

my job stolen from me... 

Such a freak... 

My way back home... 

Time to wait... 

but so will the tears... 




Safe eventually... 


Space occupied... 

Compassion died... 

To reap the fruits of labor... 

stripped of the chance to work... 

Back to the hospital... 

my way back home... 

Time to wait... 

but so will the tears... 



All the same... 

What happened to my name? 

Ground into dust... 

Must I try?

Ground into dust... 

Goodbye... ■

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